Start time:
Mi 07 Jun 2017 16:00:36
End time:
Fr 09 Jun 2017 18:00:36

Assignments: 4

Datatype limits (2 P)
Experimentally determine the maximum number within the range of short, unsigned short, char and unsigned char and print it (in one line each).
Fibonacci (3 P)
Implement two functions fibonacci1 and fibonacci2 that compute the n-th Fibonacci number. F(0)=0; F(1)=1; F(n+2)=F(n+1)+F(n) Provide an iterative and a recursive implementation. If called...
Reverse (4 P)
Write a program that  - reads integers from standard input (cin)  - stops reading if 0 is entered   - prints all numbers (except the last 0) in reversed order Implement a ...
Mutual recursion (3 P)
Implement two mutual recursive Functions F and M F(0)=1; M(0)=0 F(n)=n-M(F(n-1)), n>0 M(n)=n-F(M(n-1)), n>0